Jessica Switek

It can sometimes be so hard to know where to start! Life can move fast at times, and other times it seems to stand still. Either way you have gotten to the fork in the road and want to make some changes. 

Whether it be gaining insight into your own inner motivations, hopes, goals and dreams. Or maybe, you keep finding yourself repeating the same patterns and bad habits, and want to get yourself out of those same cycles. Whatever your reason, you want positive change for your life and have found yourself here, considering whether therapy will be the tool to get you where you want to be.

My passion is empowering clients with finding their path towards growth so they can lead a more fulfilling life. Each client I meet with is unique and has their own needs, so my goal is always to provide person centered treatment. There is no “one size fits all”. Due to that I offer several therapeutic model approaches, that will lead you toward growth.
I credit you with getting outside of your comfort zone and your willingness to try something new. I offer free 15 minute consultations to see whether I will be the best fit to help you along your journey.